



 党機関紙の「求是」は7月の経済統計が発表されるや2月に行われた習近平総書記の共産党幹部に発したメッセージをわざわざ取り上げました。ネガティブな経済指標が相次ぐ中で党や人民にポジティブなマインドをもたせようという主旨だと思いますが、この人はこんなこと言ってたのか、と興味深くSouth China Morning Postの記事を読みましたので紹介します。(※は私見です。)


“We should first consider the size of the population and the large rural-urban development gap. We cannot be ambitious and unrealistic, but we cannot simply follow the beaten path,” Xi was quoted as saying by Quishi.

“We should be patient [with a historical perspective] and move forward in a steadfast manner.”





“A super big population can provide sufficient manpower and a super big domestic market, but it also brings about a series of difficulties and challenges,” Xi told his new team in February.

“It is quite a challenge just to make sure 1.4 billion people are fed. Then there are problems such as employment, [wealth] distribution, education, healthcare, housing, elderly care and childcare. They are all not easy to resolve and they all involve an astronomical number of people.”





“Some developing countries have almost reached the threshold of developed countries in their process of modernisation, but they have fallen into the middle-income trap and been stuck in stagnation for a long time or even backtracked substantially,” Xi said.

“One of the reasons is that they have not resolved [social] polarisation and stratification.”





Xi said the common prosperity policy was a “long-term mission” that must be carried out persistently and make continuous progress.

Calling the policy the essence of Chinese modernisation, Xi condemned Western modernisation, saying it maximised the interests of capitalists and was characterised by “wars, slavery, colonisation and exploitation”.





Be water, my friend.